In events such as the Kowen Forest Ride, obstacles like this are everywhere and if you get caught you’re going to hold up a bunch of nice people (or not in some cases) waiting at the bottom of the hill. Here’s how you tackle these tough logs without becoming a laughing stock.

The obstacle we are using to demonstrate here has a rut right before the log which is also on an angle.
The lazy thing to do would be to wheelie over the log while seated and then rev the tits off the bike and use your legs to help get it the rest of the way, but we don’t want you doing this. It is not the ADB way. You will need loads of momentum to perform this technique properly because building motion in a corner on a hill is difficult.

This trick should not be done seated. Not only will it reduce you balance on the hill (your weight will shift back) and around the corner (it’s likely to fall to the inside) but you’ll completely stuff the log hop. Stand up from the very start, select second gear and begin to motor, keeping your eyes beyond the log and not down at that rut.

Keep you fingers over the clutch and brake levers as you drive through the corner and get ready to lift the front wheel by popping the clutch and leaning back. Ideally you want to use the double-blip technique but if that is too difficult just ensure your front wheel clears the log.
Do not drop you speed or back off the throttle, you will need the momentum to get over the log.

Because this log is uphill, the risk of being bucked off the bike if you don’t nail the double blip is minimal.
Once you are confident your front wheel is well clear of the obstacle you can begin to back off the throttle.
You don’t need to chop it completely but you will need to significantly reduce it. Because this log is on an angle and you’re hitting it from an angle, if you hold the throttle on, the rear will slide away and not crawl over.

Once you feel the rear hit the log you should cut the throttle so the wheel just crawls over. Stay standing for this entire procedure and keep you body loose and nimble as it is likely you will have to prepare for some sliding or dropping. If you are too stiff or off balance you will end up dabbing a foot and potentially dropping the rear wheel back down off the log. Don’t forget, you should have built all your momentum from the bottom so it will feel like you’re just rolling over the log.

6 CLEAR it
Once the rear wheel is over the log and back in the dirt you can accelerate again. But be warned, if you get on the throttle while the wheel is still resting on the log you could still slide sideways. Editor Mitch Lees

Quick Tips

When working out how best to attack this obstacle I had three goes at it to get it perfect. The first two times I didn’t use enough momentum and was caught off balance by the corner rut.
As you can see in the below image I have come in too slow to clear the log with my rear wheel and, as a result, had to dab my foot to help get over the log
On my second attempt I was still short of momentum and tried to build it at the last minute, causing my rear wheel to slide down the log.

Who’s It For?

Intermediate to advanced. I’ve seen good riders get caught up on tricks like this because they’re over-confident. Remember, momentum is the key.
Trailriding and extreme enduro
Practice by pulling little wheelies coming out of a ravine. As you crest the top just loft the front. Also, next time you’re out riding and you see an uphill rut in a corner, practice standing the whole way rather than being lazy and sitting down through it.
You shouldn’t have to dab so it doesn’t matter what size you are.
Very low, unless you lowside when your back wheel slides off the log and snap your femur. No big deal.
This trick will make you look like a hero from the bottom of the hill if other riders have become stuck before you.